Singing Guide: Ross Lynch

Singing Guide: Ross Lynch

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Ross Lynch

Are you a fan of Ross Lynch's singing? Interested in learning how to sing like him? In this article, we’ll explore the vocal techniques and songs that make Ross Lynch a unique singer. We’ll also provide some practical tips and Singing Carrots resources that can help you achieve his sound.

Ross Lynch's Unique Vocal Technique

Ross Lynch is a pop rock singer with a unique vocal style. He often incorporates breathy, falsetto tones to add texture and variety to his singing. At the same time, he layers in clear, powerful belting to create an anthem-like sound. To bring out Ross Lynch's sound, you’ll need to focus on a few key vocal techniques.

  • Use Falsetto: Ross Lynch often uses falsetto to create a breathy, light tone in his upper range. To achieve this, start by singing a comfortable note in your chest voice and gradually slide up the scale into a head voice or falsetto. Keep your breath support consistent and your throat relaxed as you transition from chest to head voice.
  • Emphasize Vowels: Ross Lynch's belting technique is designed to create a clear, powerful sound. To do this, emphasize the vowel sounds in each word you sing. Open your mouth fully and shape your tongue to create a crisp, rounded sound.
  • Create Texture: Lastly, Ross Lynch creates texture in his singing by incorporating rasp or fry sounds into his belting. To achieve this, practice adding grit to your voice by experimenting with different vowels and breath support techniques.

Ross Lynch Songs to Showcase his Style

If you want to learn how to sing like Ross Lynch, it’s important to study his repertoire. Here are some of his songs that you can learn and use to practice his unique vocal techniques:

  • A Billion Hits: This uptempo, feel-good hit showcases Ross Lynch’s falsetto and clear, belting vocals. Pay attention to how he switches between the two techniques, and how he plays with the rhythm of the song to add texture.
  • Heard It on the Radio: In this song, Ross Lynch uses his belting to create a powerful, catchy chorus. Listen closely to how he shapes his vowels, especially on the word “radio,” to emphasize the melody.
  • Can't Stop Singing: This song is a great example of Ross Lynch incorporating rasp into his singing. To sing it like him, practice using your breath support to add a bit of texture to your belting.

Practical Tips and Singing Carrots Resources

If you want to sing like Ross Lynch, here are some practical tips and Singing Carrots resources you can try:

  • Practice vocal warm-ups to improve your vocal health and stamina. Singing Carrots’ Pitch Training game is a great place to start.
  • Learn the basics of singing, including breathing, posture, and vocal registers, with Singing Carrots’ educational singing course.
  • Find songs that match your vocal range and style with Singing Carrots’ search engine. Practice singing songs that you enjoy to improve your technique.

By incorporating these techniques, practicing Ross Lynch's songs and utilizing Singing Carrots' resources, you'll be well on your way to mastering Ross Lynch's unique vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.